Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Abney and Associates - South Korea Attack Not From Chinese IP Address After All

It appears that the recent cyber-attacks against South Korean banks and television networks may not have originated in China, the country's officials said Friday.
"We were careless in our efforts to double-check and triple-check," Korean Communications Commission official Lee Seung-won told reporters Friday. "We will now make announcements only if our evidence is certain," Lee said.
On March 20, Korean television stations KBS, MBC, and YTN, as well as banking institutions Jeju, NongHyup, and Shinhan were infected with a malware which wiped data off hard drives, rending the systems inoperable. The KCC had previously said a Chinese IP address accessed the update management server at the NongHyup bank to distribute the "wiper" malware, which erased data from an estimated 32,000 Windows, Unix, and Linux systems across the six affected organizations.
It appears KCC mistook a private IP address used by a NongHyup system as a Chinese IP address because they were "coincidentally" the same, according to the Associated Press report. Officials have seized the system's hard drive, but it's not clear at this point where the infection originated.
"We're still tracking some dubious IP addresses which are suspected of being based abroad," Lee Jae-Il, vice-president of Korea Internet and Security Agency, told reporters.
Attribution is Difficult
Shortly after KCC claimed the attack originated from an IP address in China, South Korean officials accused North Korea of being behind this campaign. South Korea had accused its northern neighbor of using Chinese IP addresses to target South Korean government and industry web sites in previous attacks.
However, just a single IP address is not conclusive proof, considering there are plenty of other state-sponsored groups and cyber-criminal gangs using Chinese servers to launch attacks. There are also plenty of techniques attackers can use to hide their activities or make it seem like it is coming from some place else.
This mistake by KCC, while embarrassing for the South Korean government, highlights perfectly why it is so difficult to identify the origins and perpetrators of a cyber-attack. Attribution of attacks can be "extremely difficult," said Lawrence Pingree, a research director at Gartner.
The challenge lies in the fact that "counter-intelligence can be used on the Internet such as spoofing source IPs, using proxy servers, using botnets to deliver attacks out of other locations," and other methods, Pingree said. The malware developers can use keyboard maps of diffierent languages, for example.
"A Chinese American or European that understands Chinese but develops their exploits for their country of origin will result in problematic or impossible attribution," said Pingree.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Abney and Associates - ENISA publish report on the cybersecurity threat landscape

The European Network and Information Security Agency (“ENISA”) has published its first independent overview of how the cyberthreat landscape has evolved over the past few years. The report identifies the most common and dangerous cyberthreats, the methods used by malicious users and potential avoidance measures for web users. ENISA’s findings have ramifications from both an EU and global perspective as the threats revealed have no geographic boundaries.
According to the report, “drive-by exploits” are the greatest and most increasing threat to the internet landscape. Drive-by exploits involve injecting malicious code into a website that automatically infects a user’s computer when he or she visits that website. These can then be used to obtain personal information. The websites themselves may also be unknowingly hosting malicious code. This form of cyberattack is on the rise and is even being formulated for mobile devices.
The second biggest cyberthreat identified by ENISA are Trojans (which contain backdoor capabilities) and Worm malware programs (which can self-replicate and redistribute themselves with devastating effect). Worms and Trojans are used by cybercriminals to pull off sophisticated cyberscams involving theft of user credentials and personal data and by governments for cyberespionage.
Code injection is the third top threat - in recent years an increasing amount of attacks and data breaches have been conducted against web applications using well-known attack techniques such as SQL injection (“SQLi”) and cross-site scripting (“XSS”). These threats, which are popular amongst hacktivist groups, attempt to extract data, steal credentials and take control of the targeted webserver.
Other cyberthreats include exploit kits, botnets, denial-of-service attacks, phishing and spam. ENISA emphasises that it is not just cybercriminals acting as the threat agents but also corporations attempting to gain competitive advantage, disgruntled employees, and terrorists who have expanded their activities into cyberspace.
In an era where social media has flourished, the report highlights the vulnerability of technologies such as cloud computing and big data sets, where the concentration of vast amounts of data in a few logical locations makes an attractive target for threat agents. ENISA suggests that many threats can be contained if sufficient risk management is undertaken and appropriate security measures are implemented.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Abney and Associates - Hur mäklarfirmor kan undvika cyber brott


Abney and Associates - how broker firms can avoid cyber crime
Online är brott ständigt på ökningen, erbjuder John Dryden av DET konsultering itlab mäklare några hjälpsamma spetsar att hålla deras affärer säker.
Till relativt nyligen, den känsliga informationen som hållits på finansiella rådgivande firmors DET system stannas på de lokala servrarna på deras kontor. De datorer som används att nå dena data var också statisk och lokaliserat påplatsen. Detta gjort som håller data säkrar relativt enkel och lätt att hantera. Idag, med den hastiga accelerationen i Internet och rörlig teknologi, har de enheter som kan nå denna känslig information blitvit mycket mer olik och portabel. Faktiskt, kan arbetsstyrkor nu koppla till deras huvudsystem från i princip någonstans med en Internet anslutning. Nuförtiden, är den moderna mäklaren online hela tiden, och når känsliga data från överallt, däribland fria eller betalde Wi-Fi aktiveringspunkter. Denna fjärråtkomst representerar en fundamental, och positiv förändring på sättmäklarna arbetar, men det representerar ett ökat säkerhetshot. Fjärråtkomst kan resultera i portabla enheter hackas via ett osäkert nätverk eller, på en mycket mera fundamental nivå, förloras en enhet. Båda scenarierna kan resultera i cybercrime. Tyvärr, har många finansiella tjänstfirmor ännu otillräckliga system på platsen att hindra deras känsliga information som faller in i fel händer. Dessa slappa kontrollerna kan göra dem ett lätt mål för hackare. Preventiva mått än sen då kan finansiella tjänstfirmor göra att skydda deras känsliga data? I vår erfarenhet är det primära som DET riskerar för den typiska mäklarfirman inte teknologin per se (fastän det tydligen kan vara sårbar), men folket använda det. Dessutom viktig än är någonsin nuförtiden den personalen görs medveten av deras ansvar och utbildas om teknologianvändningen. Med det i sinne skulle varje rådgivande firma ha en DET säkerhetspolicy, som ständigt granskas och ändras. Reglerna behöver förståtts – från dag en – vid alla som beviljas åtkomst till system. Utbildning någon sex månader in då är en symbolisk gest inte längre acceptabel. Personen som är ansvarig för DET säkerhet också skulle rapportera regelbundet till rådet. Här är några fundamentala säkerhetsregler som varje firma av rådgivare skulle följa: • Delar aldrig lösenord, även med nära kollegor. • Ändrar lösenord ofta, kanske även en gång en månad. • När personalledighet, avaktivera
deras konton omedelbart. • Lägger säkerhet på alla portabla enheter. • Godkänner aldrig känslig information över offentliga system om inte den informationen krypteras. • Är mycket varsam av att använda offentlig Wi-Fi när koppla till känsliga system. • Förvissar sig att all din teknologi och enheter har det senaste malware skyddet. • Sysselsätter oberoende tredje partier regelbundet att testa dina säkerhetsmått. Genom att följa några fundamentala säkerheter mäter tillfälligheterna av ditt företag hackas eller utsätts i något sätt mycket reduceras.